Considering Surgery for a Urinary Tract Obstruction?

Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction is a blockage at the point where the kidney attaches to one of the ureters (tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder). This blocks the flow of urine out of the kidney.

UPJ is more common in young children, and may be found at or prior to birth. In older children and adults, UPJ may be caused by scar tissue, infection, an earlier blockage, or kidney stones.

To remove the blockage, your doctor may suggest a surgery such as pyeloplasty. It can be done with open surgery or minimally invasive surgery.

Learn about minimally invasive da Vinci ® Surgery

During minimally invasive surgery (robotic-assisted or traditional laparoscopic), surgeons operate through a few small incisions using long instruments and a tiny camera to guide doctors. Robotic-assisted da Vinci Surgery also features fully wristed instruments – meaning they bend and rotate far greater than the human hand. Other key features:

  • 3D HD vision system that gives surgeons a magnified view inside the body
  • Enhanced vision, precision and control during the entire operation

Patient benefits

The use of da Vinci Pyeloplasty offers the following potential benefits compared to open surgery for pediatric patients:

  • Shorter length of stay
  • Less need for narcotic pain medicine
  • Minimal Scarring

da Vinci Pyeloplasty offers the following potential benefits compared to traditional laparoscopy for adult patients:

  • Shorter hospital stay

da Vinci Pyeloplasty offers the following potential benefits compared to traditional laparoscopy for pediatric patients:

  • Shorter hospital stay

Your doctor controls the da Vinci System, which translates his/her hand movements into smaller, precise movements of tiny instruments inside your body. 

© 2016 Intuitive Surgical