Step-by-Step and Slice-by-Slice To Support Genesis Staff
Twenty four slices of pizza in one day. Eighteen miles of running on another.
What could go wrong with that idea?
Steven Froeschle, a graduate of Davenport Assumption High School and St. Ambrose University, came up with an exceptional way to support frontline caregivers at Genesis during the COVID-19 outbreak.
He had read about an avid runner in New York who ran 100 miles in one day to raise money in pledges for doctors and nurses.
“I wasn’t sure I could run 100 miles in a day, but I like pizza and thought I could run 100 miles and eat 100 slices of pizza in one week,’’ Froeschle explained.
Now a resident of Dubuque who works for an insurance company, Froeschle was able to raise $3,200 on a Go Fund Me page.
An avid runner, he also wanted to help the running stores in the Quad-Cities being impacted by the outbreak. He purchased gift cards to Running Wild and Fleet Feet stores and donated the cards to the Genesis Foundation. The Foundation will draw winners of gift cards from frontline medical staff.
“I relied on the Go Fund Me page and word-of-mouth with my family and friends,’’ Froeschle said. “It was a silly idea to pass the time but it will have real impact for Genesis and the running stores.
“I had nurse friends who reached out and told me what an awesome idea it was.’’
The most number of slices Froeschle ate in a day was 24. The most miles he ran in a single day was 18.
“That much pizza in one day was not sustainable,’’ he joked. “After about three or four days you want something different.
“I never ate pizza and ran at the same time during the week but I thought about it.’’
Froeschle’s pizza selections were across the pizza board from big chains, smaller local businesses and frozen.
“I made sure the frozen ones were the big ones. I didn’t want to cheat,’’ he said.
Genesis Health System has been fortunate to be the recipient of many donations from companies and individuals during the outbreak. Every gift is appreciated. Gifts of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) provide direct support of caregivers. Donations of gift cards allow Genesis to boost morale, provide convenience of restaurant certificates for busy employee families and recognize the personal and financial sacrifices of employees during the outbreak.
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